Fully Licensed & Insured.

Levi's Tree Services

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Tree Services

Tree removal
Garden Overhauls
Tree Stump removal
Tree Transplanting
Tree Trimming & Pruning
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Years Of
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Levi's Tree Service

About Us

Levi's Tree Service and Landscaping is a local business that offers a wide range of services to keep your property looking its best. We have 18 years of experience in the industry and are dedicated to providing high-quality tree removal, stump removal, trimming, pruning, and mulching services. Our team can also take care of your lawn needs such as mowing, aeration, seeding, and fertilizer application as well as leaves and debris removal. Additionally, we offer power washing to help keep your property clean and fresh.

Why Choose Us

Why choose us

Working in Landscaping Service Since 2005

Levi's Tree Service & Landscaping, we understand that entrusting someone with the care of your trees is a significant decision. Here's why choosing us is the right choice for your tree service needs

Take Care Garden Trees

Gardening & Landscape

Take Care Garden Trees

Gardening & Landscape

Take Care Garden Trees

Gardening & Landscape

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0 %

Satisfactions Rate

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Emergency Tree Removal

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Tree Services


We Offers Tree Services
& Landscaping

Modern Gardening & Expert Team

Levis Tree Service performed exceptional tree pruning: professional, efficient, and exceeded expectations.

Quality Services

Positive: Professionalism, Quality, Responsiveness, Value Great service and easy to work with!

Bryant Anderson
Quality Services

Positive: Professionalism, Punctuality, Quality, Value I faithfully use this service. He is honest, professional and accommodating. A good deal for great quality. Try it for yourself.

Violet D

CEO & Founder

Quality Services

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam eaque quae abillo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto

Harris Tanveer

CEO & Founder


Global Clients Feedback

Need a Expert

Tree cutting, trimming, stump removal, pruning, mulching, lawn seeding, and fertilizer aeration. Over 17 years of expertise.

  • Guaranteed Jobs
  • Professionalism
  • Experience
  • Efficiency
  • Customer Care